Hack Name: | Pokemon Carmine Red |
Based On: | Pokemon Red |
Language: | English |
Author: | Wrulfy |
Version: | Beta 0.1.1 |
System: | GBC |
Initial Release: | 2022 |
Pokemon Carmine Red is a game hack developed by
You can play the Beta 0.1.1 release now. Next part, let's find which differences between this modified game "
Pokemon Carmine Red" and the original game
Pokemon Red.
New Features
- Massive rework and buffs for almost all Pokemon. A lot of pokemon who had the short end of the stick have been improved. Specially bugs. Beware of the bugs.
- Extensive edit of a lot of moves. A lot of useless or duplicated moves have been repruposed into better moves. All types have now good moves.
- Several type changes. Some of them have been made to fill out barren types like ghost or dragon, or to give more flavor. Some new types makes sense, some are a bit unorthodox.
- Complete rework of the level up movesets. Pretty much all pokemon learn good moves of their respective types.
- Reworked Trainer Roosters Trainers now have slowly more and better pokemon. Gym leaders and other key trainers now have access to customized movepools!
- Altered level curve The level curve has been touched up a bit so it picks up a bit faster than in the vanilla game.
- Rework of wild encounters Wild pokemon are now much more variated than in vanilla red.
- Reworked maps and Improved Tilesets Some maps have been tweaked to make them more interesting, and a lot of tilesets have been edited to make them fit a bit more. No more potted plants that won’t ever fit with any background!
- A bunch more that I’m probably forgetting or that don’t fit into their own point.
- And of course, every single one of the 151 original pokemon is avaiable to catch without glitches!
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If you like Pokemon Carmine Red's features, you can view screenshots, videos, cheats, walkthrough of it and get download link below.
Screenshot Images
Video Trailers
Pokemon Carmine Red Walthrough
Video Guides are being updated soon.
Pokemon Carmine Red Cheats & Gameshark Codes
(For Hack based on US ROM Version. Insert Master Code or Must Be On first.)
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Remember to save all your progress before try any codes. They may harm your game.010138CD
Buy Master Balls at the Pokemart
Start with all 8 gym badges
Make wild Pokemon be high leveled
Make trainer Pokemon be high leveled
Pokemon Carmine Red Download
At the present, you can get Pokemon Carmine Red with Beta 0.1.1 version. Do not forget to bookmark and subscribe this page for the latest updates. Sponsored Links NOTE: Please read it first. Hit COPY button below > Paste into the new tab & Enter > Wait 5 seconds and SKIP > The game will be automatically downloaded. If it does not work with your browser, just hit Ctrl+C or Copy manually. https://tinyurl.com/2alwoqut or if not working, try this Mirror |
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