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Pokemon Storm Silver SpeedUpPatches

Pokemon Storm Silver SpeedUpPatches Box Art
Hack Name: Pokemon Storm Silver SpeedUpPatches
Based On: Pokemon Soul Silver
Language: English
Author: Drayano
Version: Completed 1.05
System: NDS
Initial Release: 2019

Pokemon Storm Silver SpeedUpPatches is a game hack developed by Drayano. You can play the Completed 1.05 release now. Next part, let's find which differences between this modified game " Pokemon Storm Silver SpeedUpPatches" and the original game Pokemon Soul Silver.

New Features

  • 493 Pokemon
  • Trainers have received new rosters to tie in with the greater variety of Pokemon available
  • The data of a lot of Pokemon has been changed
  • A small amount of attack moves have also been edited
  • Edits to evolutions mean Sacred Gold and Storm Silver are self-contained
  • The availability of items has been changed quite wildly in general
  • A wide variety of scripted events have been both added and edited
  • Trades within the game have also been both edited and shifted around to make getting some hard-to-place Pokemon a bit more convenient
  • Some small aesthetical edits have been made, e.g. Karen has a new background for her battle and Lance now uses Cynthia’s background from DPPt instead of his own
  • Some extra bits of ‘story’ have been added
  • The game has had a variety of blockades added to it to increase the linearity of the story

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If you like Pokemon Storm Silver SpeedUpPatches's features, you can view screenshots, videos, cheats, walkthrough of it and get download link below.

Screenshot Images

Pokemon Storm Silver SpeedUpPatches Screenshot
Pokemon Storm Silver SpeedUpPatches Screenshot
Pokemon Storm Silver SpeedUpPatches Screenshot
Pokemon Storm Silver SpeedUpPatches Screenshot
Pokemon Storm Silver SpeedUpPatches Screenshot

Video Trailers

Pokemon Storm Silver SpeedUpPatches Walthrough

Pokemon Storm Silver SpeedUpPatches Cheats & Action Replay Codes

(For Hack based on US ROM Version. Insert Master Code or Must Be On first.)

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Remember to save all your progress before try any codes. They may harm your game.

Walk Through Walls
How to use: Press R+B to or hold L activate, uncheck cheat and reset the game to disable the cheat.
94000130 FCFD0200
1205DAA2 00000200
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FCFD0100
1250DAA2 00001C20
D2000000 00000000

Rare Candies 900x
How to use: Press L+R to activate.
94000130 FCFF0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
D5000000 03840011
C0000000 00000025
D6000000 00000B74
D4000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000

Infinite Cash
How to use: Press L+R to activate the cheat.
94000130 FCFF0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
00000088 000F423F
D2000000 00000000

Max Mom Savings (Press L+R)
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
0000c0e8 000f423f
d2000000 00000000

Reset Game Time (Press L+R+SELECT)
94000130 fcfb0000
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
10000096 00000000
10000098 00000000
d2000000 00000000

No Random Battles
Note: This cheat will prevent you from battling Pokemon in the wild.
A4000130 FFFC0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
20025A54 00000000
D2000000 00000000

Alternative code
92248018 0000FC4F
1224801A 00002000
12248026 00002000
D2000000 00000000

1 Hit Kills Pokemon (Press SELECT)
94000130 fffb0000
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
10049f20 00000001
10049f24 00000001
1004a0a0 00000001
1004a0a4 00000001
d2000000 00000000

Easy Captures
92247612 00002801
12247612 00004280
d2000000 00000000

Can Capture Trainer Pokemon
9224670a 00002101
1224670a 00002100
d2000000 00000000

Pokemon Storm Silver SpeedUpPatches Download

At the present, you can get Pokemon Storm Silver SpeedUpPatches with Completed 1.05 version. Do not forget to bookmark and subscribe this page for the latest updates.
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NOTE: Please read it first. Hit COPY button below > Paste into the new tab & Enter > Wait 5 seconds and SKIP > The game will be automatically downloaded.
If it does not work with your browser, just hit Ctrl+C or Copy manually.


or if not working, try this Mirror

Thank you, friend. Please contact us if you need help.
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