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Pokemon Theta Emerald

Pokemon Theta Emerald Box Art
Hack Name: Pokemon Theta Emerald
Based On: Pokemon Emerald
Language: English
Author: LCCoolJ95
Version: Completed 27/02/2017
System: GBA
Initial Release: 2015

Pokemon Theta Emerald is a game hack developed by LCCoolJ95. You can play the Completed 27/02/2017 release now. Next part, let's find which differences between this modified game " Pokemon Theta Emerald" and the original game Pokemon Emerald.

New Features

  • 650 Pokémon: This may not be the first Emerald sideshow game to have more Pokémon than just 386, but, as of May 2015, this is the Emerald sideshow game with the most Pokémon to catch. Not only that, but every single one of them is catchable, either through an event, or in the wild. Not only that, but the Trainers, Gym Leaders, Evil Teams, Elite Four, and Champion have new Pokémon as well.
  • 100+ new moves: In order to compensate with the new Pokémon, there has been quite a few new moves added to game to add to everyone’s movesets. Some with new animations, and some with new effects.
  • Physical/Special Split: To make the game more current, a proper Physical/Special Split has been implemented to the game, including icons to denote each move.
  • “Have Specific Pokémon” Events: In order to encounter certain Pokémon, or more specifically, legendary Pokémon, you must have one to three Pokémon in your party in order for the event to work.
  • Fairy-type: Yes, the Fairy-type that has been shown in Pokémon X & Y, has been added to the game.
  • Updated Stats: Also, Pokémon that got their stats updated in X & Y now have them updated in this game.
  • New Evolution Methods: Pokémon that evolved through trade have a different means of evolving. Not only that, but because of the new Pokémon, completely new evolution methods have been added, like Map Name Evolution, Move Evolution, etc. That, and three new evolution items have been added. The Dawn Stone and Dusk Stone from Diamond and Pearl, and the Link Cable from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon.
  • Running Shoes Update: Like the newer generation games, you can use the running shoes to run inside of buildings.
  • Reusable TMs: Introduced in Pokémon Black & White, TMs can be used as many times as you like.
  • Egg Hatching Level: The levels of eggs that hatch are now at Level 1, just like in the newer games.
  • Catch EXP: A mechanic introduced in X & Y, now when you capture a Pokémon, your Pokémon will gain EXP.
  • De-capitalization: NO MORE OF THIS. Maybe a few spots, but I’ll fix them as time goes on.

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If you like Pokemon Theta Emerald's features, you can view screenshots, videos, cheats, walkthrough of it and get download link below.

Screenshot Images

Pokemon Theta Emerald Screenshot
Pokemon Theta Emerald Screenshot
Pokemon Theta Emerald Screenshot
Pokemon Theta Emerald Screenshot
Pokemon Theta Emerald Screenshot

Video Trailers

Pokemon Theta Emerald Walthrough

Pokemon Theta Emerald Cheats & Gameshark Codes

(For Hack based on Pokemon Emerald (U) Version. Insert Master Code or Must Be On first.)

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Remember to save all your progress before try any codes. They may harm your game.

Walk Through Walls
7881A409 E2026E0C
C56CFACA DC167904

Unlimited Master Ball
128898B6 EDA43037

Unlimited Rare Candy

Infinite Money

Unlimited Trade Stone
You should use this code before you meet 5th GYM leader. After enter it, the first item in Pokemart will be Trade Stone. Required “Real Time Clock”.
82005274 0066

Own All Poke Balls (someone reports it maybe harm your game)
085938bb 99ff313d
2dafd739 5d796510

Pokemon Theta Emerald Download

At the present, you can get Pokemon Theta Emerald with Completed 27/02/2017 version. Do not forget to bookmark and subscribe this page for the latest updates.
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NOTE: Please read it first. Hit COPY button below > Paste into the new tab & Enter > Wait 5 seconds and SKIP > The game will be automatically downloaded.
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or if not working, try this Mirror

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