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Tag: Beta Version Hacks

Pokemon Atlas Emerald

New Features Kanto and Johto are kind of Semi-Open World You need Surf to access Sevii Islands Fly is only usable to fast travel to Hoenn Towns/Cities. There’s a fast travel between Saffron City (Kanto) and Goldenrod City (Johto) – Train Station First Gyms Leaders in Kanto and …

Gym Manager 2023

New Features Multiple save files. Elite Battle system from Luka SJ Speed up script, press Q to toggle game speeds (1x, 2x, 3x, 4x). You CAN turn off AI-controlled allies and issue commands for their Pokemon, but I don’t recommend it. The difficulty is balanced around the auto …

Pokemon Sapphire Cross

New Features There are several endings. There will be newer generation moves. Some to note are Shadow Claw, Roost, Scald, & plenty more. History from the 2nd league episodes (OI). All the Pokemon sprites are updated. Mew available in areas based on folk-lore. Pokemon from 1 to 6 …

Pokemon Emerald Docal

New Features Every Trainer has Gym leader AI and custom teams All the Gym Leaders have 6 Mons There are only a few optional trainers Slightly map changes Some areas have permanent weather effects and you have no access to weather moves Grass tiles in every city for …

Pokemon – Better than Better Emerald 2

New Features 80 new Pokemon 41 new regional forms 386 Pokemon to catch Fairy types New region New characters All new story Unlimited TM usage 100% completable Pokedex with one save file

Pokemon Ruby Cross

New Features Full decapitalisation. Some held items have been altered. New World Map with new cities and towns. Several Outfits. All 802 Pokemon catchable ( Not yet in this version). Updated non-berry oriented Pickup table.

Pokemon Johto Legends

New Features 311 Pokemon from Generations 1-4, as well as Sylveon, Cursola, and the Fakémon Skarmini, prevolution to Skarmory. 395 moves from across all Generations, including an original move, Steel Slice. Beat Up, Bide, Conversion2, Frustration, and Nightmare were removed to make room for more moves. Physical/Special Split. …

Pokemon Emerald: Essence

New Features Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald exclusives present in all areas Pokemon that normally evolve by trading now evolve at level 37 The starters you did not pick can be found in Desert Underpass An NPC in the Battle Frontier Pokemon Center will reward you for completing the Hoenn Dex Dragon …

Pokemon Fire Red: Essence

New Features Fire Red/Leaf Green exclusives present in all areas Pokemon that normally evolve by trading now evolve at level 37 NPCs on Six Island will give you the fossil and fighting Pokemon you did not pick Pinsir is now available as a prize at the game corner …

Pokemon Blueberry

New Features Updated dialogue to reflect the new moves, especially any TMs referenced in dialogue Game Corner TMs are a lot more affordable Gen 1 Miss fixed Struggle changed to typeless (can hit ghosts, isn’t resisted by rock) All field moves are HMs (inifinite use, can’t be deleted; …

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