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Tag: Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team Hacks

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Green Rescue Team

New Features Most Dungeons change somehow, be it name, scenario, music, name on the second half, Pokemon or even how they function. Higher Difficulty Curve. Altered text to reflect on the dungeon’s new names. Munchlax is recruitable, complete with ability, stats, friend area location and evolution method. Regarding …

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team QOL Changes Hack

New Features Items have been colorized PP of certain moves has been increased The abilities and even typing of some starters has been changed, here is Meowth! STARTER POKEMON CHANGES OTHER POKEMON CHANGES ITEM CHANGES TMs are now color Held Items are now color MOVE CHANGES FRIEND AREA …

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon – Red Rescue Team Kaizo

New Features Increased levels of opposing Pokemon The chance of encountering a Monster House has been massively increased The frequency of traps has been massively increased The layout of every dungeon is the same as the one used in Western Cave This hack hates you!

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