Tag: Soul Silver Hacks
New Features 493 Pokemon Trainers have received new rosters to tie in with the greater variety of Pokemon available The data of a lot of Pokemon has been changed A small amount of attack moves have also been edited Edits to evolutions mean Sacred Gold and Storm Silver …
New Features Custom tiles Many new quests. New FAR Darker story A remapped and re-ordered Kanto Region Battle Factory.
New Features Pikachu as starter with edited moveset and status Redesign of Kanto’s wild Pokemon Squirtle, Charmander and Bulbasaur obtainable through Pokemon Yellow events Primal Town and Team Rocket epic event The God’s Garden as a new area Mega Charizard X instead of Y National Park with many …
New Features Changed every Route’s Wild Encounters Changed all Trainer Rosters Changed all Pokemon move sets, as well as many abilities and stats Max Trainer AI for all trainers All 256 Pokemon Available to catch in-game Kris instead of Lyra, GB Player from start
New Features New Characters Great game storyline. The titles, items, moves, abilities of Pokemon are updated and replaced. National Pokedex enabled from the start 8 Gym System